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Skull and Bones release date finally secured

It's a-boat time.

Skull and Bones concept art showing a ships wheel floating on the sea
Image credit: Ubisoft

Skull and Bones, Ubisoft's beleaguered pirate adventure, finally has a release date.

It is set to arrive on 16th February, across PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. As is becoming custom, if you pre-order the premium edition, you will be able to play the game three days ahead of everyone else.

In addition, Ubisoft has announced (via Geoff Keighly) players can sign up for another closed beta. This will run between 15th and 18th December, on all platforms.

Below is a new trailer for Skull and Bones, showing us more naval combat and general pirate shenanigans.

Skull and Bones release date trailer.Watch on YouTube

It is fair to say that Skull and Bones has faced its fair share of rough seas since it was announced all the way back in 2017.

Despite being in development since 2013, it has faced numerous delays over the last few years. In 2022, the developer was reportedly "very happy" with the progress of Skull and Bones, but that didn't stop it from moving its release date around again several times throughout the year.

But, hopefully all that is behind us now, and that February release date really will be when Ubisoft's finally raises its sails and takes to the waters once and for all. It will seas the day, if you will allow me.

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Skull and Bones

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Victoria Kennedy

News Reporter

Victoria developed a deep love for video games watching her brothers barrel their way through Goldeneye 007. She will unashamedly spout forth all sorts of niche Zelda lore to anyone who will listen (and even at times to those who won't), and makes the best pancakes you have ever seen.
