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Great Fairy Fountain locations in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

Where to find and unlock all four Great Fairies.

A group of musicians surround a large, spiky plant bud which is where a Great Fairy will spring from in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Image credit: Nintendo

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom brings back its Great Fairy Fountains, scattered throughout Hyrule, and it’s your job to track them down and unlock each one.

This time around, the Great Fairies can once again upgrade your armor, but they’ll take more than just Rupees to unlock, unlike in Breath of the Wild.

In this Great Fairies guide, we’ll walk you through a list of all the Great Fairy locations, as well as instructions on how to unlock each Great Fairy.

On this page:

10 Things We Wish We Knew Before Starting The Legend of Zelda Tears of the KingdomWatch on YouTube

If you’d like to learn more about Link’s quest, check out our Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom walkthrough.

All Great Fairy locations

Below you'll find an overmap of the four Great Fairy locations in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom:

An overview map of the Great Fairy locations.

Below you'll find in-depth information on each of the Great Fairy locations, along with how to unlock each Great Fairy...

How to unlock the first Great Fairy Fountain

To find the first fountain, the Great Fairy Fountain of Tera, you’ll need to first head the Lucky Clover Gazette building just East of Rito Village, which can be found at the map marker just below in the Hebra region of Hyrule. Once here, approach the two people inside - Penn and Traysi - and you’ll be on your way to finding all four Fairies.

Map showing the location of the Lucky Clover Gazette building in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Image credit: Nintendo

This is a very roundabout way of starting your journey to unlock the Great Fairies. Once you’ve spoken to the two and witnessed Penn fly off, you’ll want to head to the Woodland Stable in the Eldin region of Hyrule, which can be found at the map point seen just below.

Map showing the location of the Woodland Stable in the Eldin region of Hyrule in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Image credit: Nintendo

Once here, you’ll see Penn outside the Stables to the right of the entrance, watching two musicians performing. Speak to the group, and you’ll start the Serenade to a Great Fairy quest, which requires you to simply use the Ultrahand ability to place two wheels on the nearby broken cart, making it work again.

Link talking to a musician in Hyrule about performing for a Great Fairy which has hidden itself away.
Image credit: Nintendo

Now take a horse out of the stables, and when given the option to, attach the towing harness to it. If you haven't unlocked this feature yet, you can do so by simply accumulating three points with a stable in Hyrule, which can be earned by visiting and sleeping in a stable for the first time.

You’ll now want to attach your horse’s towing harness to the cart using the Ultrahand ability, and you can now whisk the musicians off to the Great Fairy fountain, which is located literally just up the nearby road in the direction that the signpost points to.

Link trying to attach a towing harness to a horse in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Image credit: Nintendo

When the musicians play their music to the Great Fairy at the fountain, she’ll spark back into life, and pop out to visit you. With that all done, you can upgrade your armor at this Great Fairy, and then continue your journey on to unlocking the other Great Fairies around Hyrule.

How to unlock the Necluda Great Fairy in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

This time, we’re headed to the Duelling Peaks Stable, found in the Necluda region of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Once here, approach the conductor, and he’ll tell you about a missing member of the band, Beetz.

Map showing the location of the Duelling Peaks Stable, found in the Necluda region of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Image credit: Nintendo

Once the quest 'Serenade to Cortera' has been initiated, you need to go along the road that goes to the north of the stable, then go around the corner to Kakariko Village. Head to the point marked below, and you’ll find Beetz, who it turns out needs three combs of honey in order to move on from his current strange activities.

Map showing the location of the Beetz character in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Image credit: Nintendo

Head a short distance north to Kakariko Village, and you’ll find various bee nests in the forest surrounding the village. Shoot down three with a bow, and then approach them, skirting the angry bees, to collect Courser Bee Honey items, one from each nest you’ve shot down.

Map showing the location of bee nests and the Courser Bee Honey items in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Image credit: Nintendo

Now head back to Beetz and give him the three Courser Bee Honey items, and he’ll head back to rejoin the band at Duelling Peaks Stable. Difficulties abound at the stable though, as it now transpires the troupe need a raft in order to cross the lake to the south and reach the Great Fairy herself.

You can quickly scrounge together a raft by looking to the nearby building supplies, and finding a long, flat bit of wood. Take this, and put the busted carriage on it. Then put a steering device and fan on the raft, and place the entire thing in the water, beckoning the troupe to get in.

Link trying to create a makeshift raft in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Image credit: Nintendo

Now simply drive your makeshift raft over to the other side of the lake where the Great Fairy resides, and once the troupe’s musical performance is over, you’ll successfully unlock Great Fairy Cortera.

How to unlock the Central Hyrule Great Fairy in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

To kickstart this Great Fairy, go to the Outskirt Stable in Central Hyrule, where you’ll once again find the troupe playing there. This time though, they’re missing their piper, Pyper. To find him you'll need to head over to the Highland Stable in the southern area of the Faron region.

Map showing the location of the Outskirt Stable in Central Hyrule.
Image credit: Nintendo

Once here, look to a nearby tree to see a piper playing there. Approach him in the tree and he’ll reveal he wants to go back to the band, but he needs 10 Sunset Fireflies first in order to fulfil a duty to someone else before that.

Sleep at the Highland Stable until night, and then head north to Pagos Woods, where you’ll find a metric tonne of fireflies. Use any sneak-enhancing food, and crouch your way to them, where you’ll be able to collect 10 of the Sunset Fireflies pretty quickly.

Link sneaking around in woods at night try to catch fireflies in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Image credit: Nintendo

Head back to Pyper and give him the Sunset Fireflies, and then go fetch his friend Haite while it’s still night, and have her follow you. Go to where you first met Pyper, and he’ll play a lovely tune, freeing him of his responsibilities to head back to Outskirt Stable.

When you get back though, the troupe master will reveal they need a vehicle to get up to the Great Fairy, so find the nearby Zonai car, and attach the wheel and steering instrument to it. Then put the band’s cart on your car, and have them sit in it. Now you can drive them up to the Great Fairy and have them play their music to unlock her for good.

Link trying to make a cart with wheels in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Image credit: Nintendo

How to unlock the Hebra Great Fairy in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

The musicians go travelling on their merry way, and you’ll want to also head on to the Hebra region in Tears of the Kingdom. Once in this region, head to the map point we’ve marked just below in the far south of Hebra, which is where you’ll find a hapless horn player stuck in a hole in the ground, needing someone to lift him and his cart out.

Map showing the location of a horn player who got stuck in a hole in the ground in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Image credit: Nintendo

You can do this by using Ultrahand to attach the nearby balloon and flame emitter to the musician’s cart, and then launch it up into the air and out of the hole. Don’t worry if this takes you a few tries - this quest can unfortunately be a little bit fiddly and annoying to get just right.

Once out of the hole, the musician will thank you and head off, and you should now head to the Snowfield Stable in the Hebra region of Hyrule. When you get here, you’ll find the musician has reunited with the others that you rescued earlier, but their cart is unfortunately missing a roof.

Link comes across a stranded cart in a snowy region of Hyrule which is missing a roof in Tears of the Kingdom.
Image credit: Nintendo

All you need to do now is find a nearby wooden raft at the stables, and attach it to the top of the cart using Ultrahand. Now it’s the same deal as last time, where you need to get a horse with a towing harness out of the stable, attach it to the cart, and then drive the musical troupe right to the Great Fairy.

Link on his horse pulling a wooden cart that musicians are sitting in. Link is helping the troupe travel through a snowy region of Hyrule.
Image credit: Nintendo

It’s really the same deal as last time from this point - once the musicians have played her their music, she’ll be open to armor upgrade for Link. If you’d like to learn more about Link’s quest, visit our Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom walkthrough.

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Hirun Cryer

