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Alan Wake 2 New Game Plus arrives later this month

Scratch and sniff.

Screenshot from Alan Wake 2 showing Ilmo Koskela in Watery
Image credit: Remedy

Alan Wake 2's previously promised New Game Plus mode will arrive across platforms later this month, on Monday 11th December.

It is called The Final Draft, and will see the introduction of a harder difficulty mode known as Nightmare and a new ending for players to experience. A completed playthrough of Alan Wake 2 is required before New Game Plus can be accessed, as to be expected.

As already confirmed, players will still have all their previously unlocked weapons and upgrades to hand when they return to the game, as this is all retained in Alan Wake 2's New Game Plus.

Let's play Alan Wake 2.

There is still no word on a release date for Alan Wake 2's DLC expansions, although we do know a bit about what they will involve already.

The first expansion - Night Springs - will allow you to play as "several familiar characters from the world of Alan Wake" as you "experience the unexplainable in multiple self-contained episodes of Night Springs" (which is, of course, this universe's in-game TV show based on The Twilight Zone).

It will be followed by a second expansion, The Lake House.

If you simply can't wait for more Alan Wake 2 content, you could set about knitting yourself Saga's jumper thanks to Remedy's handy pattern. Then, you will have something nice and cosy to snuggle up in when you return to the game later this month.

Also, just because I am a fan, be sure to check out the live version of Alan Wake 2's Herald of Darkness in the post below.

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Victoria Kennedy

News Reporter

Victoria developed a deep love for video games watching her brothers barrel their way through Goldeneye 007. She will unashamedly spout forth all sorts of niche Zelda lore to anyone who will listen (and even at times to those who won't), and makes the best pancakes you have ever seen.
