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1080° Snowboarding, Harvest Moon 64 and Jet Force Gemini join Nintendo Switch Online

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Artwork for Harvest Moon 64 showing a boy in a green cap and dungarees running as a dog follows behind
Image credit: Nintendo

Nintendo has added three more classic N64 games to its Switch Online expansion pack: 1080° Snowboarding, Harvest Moon 64 and Jet Force Gemini.

With these latest additions, we will all be able to shred it on the slopes with some sick flips and spins (or, in my case, go barrelling down into a snowy heap) before nipping over to do a spot farming. Then, we can head to space, where our craft is decked out with a pair of hanging dice.

You can watch a little teaser for them below.

Three Nintendo 64 classics come to Nintendo Switch!Watch on YouTube

Jet Force Gemini made its Nintendo Switch debut in Japan earlier this month. However, it seemed to cause some issues for the hardware when played in widescreen.

As Ed previously reported, the game supports both 4:3 and 16:9 modes. However, the widescreen mode does not properly scale and instead stretches the image with letterboxing.

Meanwhile, as part of Eurogamer's round-up of some of the best Nintendo 64 games (from all the way back in 2007), we called Jet Force Gemini an "extremely slick and well-made third-person shooter".

"Heavily anime-influenced visuals and character designs set the perfect tone for a game in which you were on a mission to stop the plans of an evil space insect overlord."

Do any of these games take your fancy? Personally, I am looking forward to introducing my kids to Harvest Moon 64 this weekend.

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1080 Snowboarding

Nintendo Wii

Jet Force Gemini

N64, Nintendo Switch

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Victoria Kennedy

News Reporter

Victoria developed a deep love for video games watching her brothers barrel their way through Goldeneye 007. She will unashamedly spout forth all sorts of niche Zelda lore to anyone who will listen (and even at times to those who won't), and makes the best pancakes you have ever seen.
